You can learn about building a garage by following the easy to follow steps laid out on these pages and save valuable time and money in the process whether you stick build it, use a pre-cut kit, or decide on a modular setup using a prefab superstructure delivered to your site to install upon your foundation.
The basic approach is to start with proper planning of where you will locate the structure on your property, getting a rough idea of what will fit, and how you will gain access to it from either a public street or alley, and what size and architectural style you require.
Once you have the basic approach problems solved, you will need to visit with the building department in the jurisdiction where the structure will be built to see what setback requirements they have from property lines and what type of garage foundation they will require (or allow). Allowable foundation types vary from each jurisdiction, especially when it comes to garage structures. Make sure you visit with your local building official before you acquire plans to learn what types of foundations they will consider as appropriate.
After you have gathered the information from your building department you can obtain a set of garage plans for use in obtaining building permits and acquiring bids from sub-contractors and/or materials suppliers for your project.
Once you have gathered sufficient bids from the subcontractors and/or material suppliers based upon the plans you give them, you can determine what the hard costs of your project will be. Then it is just a matter of following through with each phase of your project until it is complete.
If you follow the step-by-step process that we outline for you on the pages that follow below, then you will smoothly transition from each phase to the next, effortlessly. Study all of the information in the order we recommend until you have a clear picture in your own mind of how you will proceed with your own project. Once you have a clear picture, your confidence will build.
Building a garage yourself can be a very rewarding and fun accomplishment and provide you with a serviceable structure that you will most likely use every day. If you follow the proper steps, your project will be a huge success, and remember - - - have fun building it!
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We have been following your blog and we have found a lot of useful information in it.
Cecil Sibanda
Product Coordinator
Dorman Products, Inc.
Colmar, PA
I was pleased that I was able to easily find the proper tall storage cabinet for my garage. I needed lockable storage to keep my toddler away from sharp tools and solvents that my husband stores. Garagetips-101 solved my problem!
Renee M.
I love the detail in your garage building pages. They helped me understand how to engineer a foundation for a garage we are planning that our building department will approve. I had the inspector go to your pages and review what I was talking about. Now, I am studying the wall framing sections, as we plan to build it ourselves this fall. Thank you so much for the great information.
Des Moines, IA
Great stuff on wall framing. I never really understood the on-and-off spacing concepts for the wall studs until I read your explanations.
Grand Island, NE